London Town Planning Services

WEA Planning, based in Archway London, offer the following key planning services to their clients:


WEA Planning Services can manage and submit your planning applications. This can include some or all of the following:

  • Co-ordination of technical supporting information and drawings;
  • writing of supporting statements;
  • negotiation with planning officers;
  • variations or removal of planning conditions;
  • assisting with public consultation; and
  • presenting to planning committee.

Planning Applications >


WEA can prepare statements and co-ordinate the submission of relevant supporting information for Lawful Development Certificate applications.


WEA Planning Services can advise on the development potential of your site, building/s or portfolio and provide a strategy for negotiating planning permission. This can include initial confidential discussions with Local Planning Authorities, and particularly with boroughs in West London.


WEA Planning Services can provide support for or lead all forms of planning appeals including written representations, hearings and inquiries. WEA can also write instructions to Counsel.


WEA can advise on enforcement matters and respond to enforcement enquiries from local authorities. This can extend to appeals against enforcement notices and the preparation of evidence, statutory declarations and affidavits.


WEA can defend or promote your interests through the local plan making process. WEA can also promote sites through Local Authority Strategic Housing Land Availability, Housing Capacity and Employment Land Availability documents.


WEA can prepare the submissions of advertisement applications and appeals.


WEA are primarily town planning practitioners but can provide quotes for basic architectural/drawing services. Complex planning applications often require the submission of expert reports and we are happy to work alongside your project team or can recommend practitioners.

Contact WEA Planning today.

Use the contact form to find out how WEA can help you.

Please refer to our Privacy Notice page for details regarding our GDPR Policy and protection of your data. 

More information about William Avery and WEA Planning can be found on our about page. 

William Avery MRTPI

William Avery MRTPI
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Consultation on a new National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)

August 9, 2024
Since our recent article on the new Labour government’s intentions for the planning system (, the government have now launched a consultation on a new version of the National Planning Policy Framew...
read more
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